Field Assistant: Wolf-Ungulate Predator-Prey Game
We are looking for field assistants to help with data collection for the wolf-ungulate predator-prey dynamics project in Riding Mountain National in southwestern Manitoba. The current project continues research on the mammalian system that has occurred for the last 80 years and will test hypotheses related to the socioecology and behaviour of wolves and elk.
Field assistants will participate in wolf site investigations, telemetry flights, working with trail cameras, and sample processing. The support exists for successful applicants to complete a research project using the data from this system to explore their own questions. Field work occurs year-round but there is an increased demand for assistants during the spring and summer seasons from April to August. Applicants should have a passion for wildlife ecology research and a commitment to completing challenging fieldwork (physical exertion, hiking through thick vegetation and water, exposure to weather, mosquitos, ticks)
Undergraduate students can receive funding through successful application to the NSERC USRA program, successful applicants are encouraged to commit to at least 3 months of field work in the summer. There exists the opportunity to volunteer, where solely board will be provided, funds do not exist to cover food and travel. Shared living accommodations will be provided to all field assistants.
The deadline to submit NSERC USRA applications to Memorial University of Newfoundland is January 26, 2017. Undergraduate students currently enrolled at their home institution are eligible to apply for a NSERC USRA at MUN and NSERC will provide funds for them to travel from their institution to MUN.
Volunteer inquiries will always be accepted.
If interested, please email
Christina Prokopenko, PhD Student
Wildlife Evolutionary Ecology Lab
Department of Biology
Memorial University of Newfoundland